Saturday, September 27, 2008

Canopy Coffee Table

Solid oak
36” h x 40” w x 16” l

Inspired by a forest canopy, this two-tiered coffee table is organic in shape. The mortice and tenon legs, multiple in number and shaped into a natural form, hold the hovering table-top “canopies” in a manner representative of a tree trunk in the rain forest.

Custom Weave Rocker

(A collaborative project with Ahmed Khouja)
Ash / Rope / Industrial Felt
32” h x 20” w x 28” d

Through clarity of design composition and simple functional elegance, the Custom Weave Rocker achieves a degree of aesthetic sensibility, mimicking the sensual gesture of the body.
A central feature of Custom Weave is collapsibility. Simplicity of components allows for minimal material use, efficiency of assembly, and dramatically reduces space needed for shipping. Use of certified and natural materials in combination with simple production methods minimizes embodied energy.