Monday, September 7, 2009

3 Dutch Megacities Map

Another fantastic post from Strange Maps, this time featuring the excerpt from Rem Koolhaas' fabulous door-stop like book 'S/M/L/XL'. In this case, "...a rumination on “Manhattanism” – i.e. the tendency of city centre densities to be taken to new heights, sometimes literally, in the form of an urban grid filled with skyscrapers. These three maps demonstrate the scope of super-concentrated urbanity by applying two distinct types of density to a population-versus-surface configuration reputed to be “full”."

:: image via Strange Maps

It reminds me that when we think of density, we really have not a clue - and if we start looking at this mapped, or merely looking at the gross numbers, we see there's a lot behind the idea of density - or at least more than meets the eye.